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This contains the most basic information (or metadata) describing a Lighthouse.

Inherited by Auki.ConjureKit.Domains.StaticLighthouse

Public Properties

Gets the unique identifier of the lighthouse.
Gets the short identifier of the lighthouse.
Gets the organization identifier associated with the lighthouse.
Gets the name of the lighthouse, if available.
Gets the physical size (in Meters) of the lighthouse.
Gets the redirect Url associated with the lighthouse, if available.

Public Property Documentation

property Id

string Id;

Gets the unique identifier of the lighthouse.

Reimplemented by: Auki::ConjureKit::Domains::StaticLighthouse::Id

property ShortId

string ShortId;

Gets the short identifier of the lighthouse.

Reimplemented by: Auki::ConjureKit::Domains::StaticLighthouse::ShortId

property OrganizationId

string OrganizationId;

Gets the organization identifier associated with the lighthouse.

Reimplemented by: Auki::ConjureKit::Domains::StaticLighthouse::OrganizationId

property Name

string Name;

Gets the name of the lighthouse, if available.

Reimplemented by: Auki::ConjureKit::Domains::StaticLighthouse::Name

property Size

float Size;

Gets the physical size (in Meters) of the lighthouse.

Reimplemented by: Auki::ConjureKit::Domains::StaticLighthouse::Size

property RedirectUrl

string RedirectUrl;

Gets the redirect Url associated with the lighthouse, if available.

Reimplemented by: Auki::ConjureKit::Domains::StaticLighthouse::RedirectUrl