Describes a relationship between a Domain and a StaticLighthouse, which can have additional information. StaticLighthouse and Domains are in a N to N relationship. A lighthouse can be in multiple domains and a domain can contain multiple lighthouses. Only when a StaticLighthouse is in a Domain, it can optionally have a Pose (relative to that Domain).
Public Functions
Name | |
void | GetPose(Action< PoseInDomain > onSuccess, Action< string > onFailure, bool preferCache =false) Requests the Pose for this StaticLighthouse on the Domain server, if set/available. |
void | AddOrUpdatePose(Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, Action< PoseInDomain > onSuccess, Action< string > onFailure) Set/Updates the Pose for this StaticLighthouse on the Domain server. |
void | RemovePose(Action onSuccess, Action< string > onFailure) Removes the Pose (if any) for this StaticLighthouse on the Domain server. |
Public Properties
Name | |
string | LighthouseId StaticLighthouse id in the Domain. This always corresponds to the Id in Lighthouse. |
string | DomainId Id of the Domain involved. This always corresponds to the Id in Domain. |
StaticLighthouse | Lighthouse StaticLighthouse in the Domain. |
Domain | Domain Domain in which the StaticLighthouse resides. |
DateTime | AddedToDomainAt Server time of when the StaticLighthouse was added to Domain. |
ICachedValue< PoseInDomain > | PoseCached Cache of currently known Pose associated to the StaticLighthouse in the Domain. Note: this property provides quick access to locally downloaded data from previous requests. It is not kept in sync with the server and thus might be not up to date. |
Public Functions Documentation
function GetPose
void GetPose(
Action< PoseInDomain > onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure,
bool preferCache =false
Requests the Pose for this StaticLighthouse on the Domain server, if set/available.
- onSuccess A PoseInDomain has been set and it is returned with all its information.
- onFailure No pose has been set for the StaticLighthouse in the Domain.
- preferCache When true, avoids requesting again from server data already in cache, but can lead to out-of-sync data. Default = false.
function AddOrUpdatePose
void AddOrUpdatePose(
Vector3 position,
Quaternion rotation,
Action< PoseInDomain > onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure
Set/Updates the Pose for this StaticLighthouse on the Domain server.
- position Position of StaticLighthouse.
- rotation Rotation of StaticLighthouse.
- onSuccess Callback for a successful request, returns the created or updated placement.
- onFailure Callback for a failed request, providing an error message.
function RemovePose
void RemovePose(
Action onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure
Removes the Pose (if any) for this StaticLighthouse on the Domain server.
- onSuccess Pose is reported to be successfully reset.
- onFailure Failure to reset pose.
Public Property Documentation
property LighthouseId
string LighthouseId;
StaticLighthouse id in the Domain. This always corresponds to the Id in Lighthouse.
property DomainId
string DomainId;
Id of the Domain involved. This always corresponds to the Id in Domain.
property Lighthouse
StaticLighthouse Lighthouse;
StaticLighthouse in the Domain.
property Domain
Domain Domain;
Domain in which the StaticLighthouse resides.
property AddedToDomainAt
DateTime AddedToDomainAt;
Server time of when the StaticLighthouse was added to Domain.
property PoseCached
ICachedValue< PoseInDomain > PoseCached;
Cache of currently known Pose associated to the StaticLighthouse in the Domain. Note: this property provides quick access to locally downloaded data from previous requests. It is not kept in sync with the server and thus might be not up to date.