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This describes a StaticLighthouse and API to interact with it. Note - you will need a Domain first to query/update any data stored in that Domain.

Inherits from Auki.ConjureKit.Domains.ILighthouse

Public Functions

voidGetDomains(OrganizationSource orgFilter, Action< IReadOnlyCollection< DomainAssociation > > onSuccess, Action< string > onFailure)
Gets the list of domains containing this lighthouse.
voidAddToDomain(string domainId, Action onSuccess, Action< string > onFailure)
Adds the lighthouse to the specified domain using its ID.
voidAddToDomain(Domain domain, Action onSuccess, Action< string > onFailure)
Adds the lighthouse to the specified domain.
voidRemoveFromDomain(string domainId, Action onSuccess, Action< string > onFailure)
Removes the lighthouse from the specified domain using its ID.
voidRemoveFromDomain(Domain domain, Action onSuccess, Action< string > onFailure)
Removes the lighthouse from the specified domain.
voidGetPoseInDomain(Domain domain, Action< PoseInDomain > onSuccess, Action< string > onFailure, bool preferCache =false)
Gets the pose of the lighthouse within the specified domain.
voidAddOrUpdatePoseInDomain(Domain domain, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, Action< PoseInDomain > onSuccess, Action< string > onFailure)
Sets the pose of the lighthouse within the specified domain.
voidRemovePoseInDomain(Domain domain, Action onSuccess, Action< string > onFailure)
Resets the pose of the lighthouse within the specified domain.
boolIsShortIdValid(string id)
Checks if the given string is a valid Short Id format. It needs to be 11 chars long and containing only [0-9] and [A-Z] chars.

Public Properties

Gets the unique identifier of the lighthouse.
Gets the short identifier of the lighthouse.
Gets the organization identifier associated with the lighthouse.
Gets the name of the lighthouse, if available.
Gets the physical size (in Meters) of the lighthouse.
Gets the redirect Url associated with the lighthouse, if available.
Gets the creation timestamp of the lighthouse.
Gets the last update timestamp of the lighthouse.
IReadOnlyDictionary< string, DomainAssociation >DomainsCached
Cache of currently known Domains containing this StaticLighthouse, indexed by Id. Note: this property provides quick access to locally downloaded data from previous requests. It is not kept in sync with the server and thus might be not up to date.

Public Functions Documentation

function GetDomains

void GetDomains(
OrganizationSource orgFilter,
Action< IReadOnlyCollection< DomainAssociation > > onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure

Gets the list of domains containing this lighthouse.


  • orgFilter Restricts results by organization.
  • onSuccess Callback for a successful request, returns the list of lighthouses.
  • onFailure Callback for a failed request, providing an error message.

function AddToDomain

void AddToDomain(
string domainId,
Action onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure

Adds the lighthouse to the specified domain using its ID.


  • domainId The ID of the domain to add the lighthouse to.
  • onSuccess Callback for a successful request.
  • onFailure Callback for a failed request, providing an error message.

function AddToDomain

void AddToDomain(
Domain domain,
Action onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure

Adds the lighthouse to the specified domain.


  • domain The domain to add the lighthouse to.
  • onSuccess Callback for a successful request.
  • onFailure Callback for a failed request, providing an error message.

function RemoveFromDomain

void RemoveFromDomain(
string domainId,
Action onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure

Removes the lighthouse from the specified domain using its ID.


  • domainId The ID of the domain to remove the lighthouse from.
  • onSuccess Callback for a successful request.
  • onFailure Callback for a failed request, providing an error message.

function RemoveFromDomain

void RemoveFromDomain(
Domain domain,
Action onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure

Removes the lighthouse from the specified domain.


  • domain The domain to remove the lighthouse from.
  • onSuccess Callback for a successful request.
  • onFailure Callback for a failed request, providing an error message.

function GetPoseInDomain

void GetPoseInDomain(
Domain domain,
Action< PoseInDomain > onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure,
bool preferCache =false

Gets the pose of the lighthouse within the specified domain.


  • domain The domain to get the lighthouse pose from.
  • onSuccess A PoseInDomain has been set and it is returned with all its information.
  • onFailure No pose has been set for the StaticLighthouse in the Domain.
  • preferCache When true, avoids requesting again from server data already in cache, but can lead to out-of-sync data. Default = false.

function AddOrUpdatePoseInDomain

void AddOrUpdatePoseInDomain(
Domain domain,
Vector3 position,
Quaternion rotation,
Action< PoseInDomain > onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure

Sets the pose of the lighthouse within the specified domain.


  • domain The domain to set the lighthouse pose in.
  • position Position for the lighthouse.
  • rotation Rotation for the lighthouse.
  • onSuccess Callback for a successful request, returning the updated pose.
  • onFailure Callback for a failed request, providing an error message.

function RemovePoseInDomain

void RemovePoseInDomain(
Domain domain,
Action onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure

Resets the pose of the lighthouse within the specified domain.


  • domain The domain to reset the lighthouse pose in.
  • onSuccess Callback for a successful request.
  • onFailure Callback for a failed request, providing an error message.

function IsShortIdValid

static bool IsShortIdValid(
string id

Checks if the given string is a valid Short Id format. It needs to be 11 chars long and containing only [0-9] and [A-Z] chars.


  • id The string to check.

Return: True if it is a valid short id.

Public Property Documentation

property Id

string Id;

Gets the unique identifier of the lighthouse.

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::Domains::ILighthouse::Id

property ShortId

string ShortId;

Gets the short identifier of the lighthouse.

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::Domains::ILighthouse::ShortId

property OrganizationId

string OrganizationId;

Gets the organization identifier associated with the lighthouse.

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::Domains::ILighthouse::OrganizationId

property Name

string Name;

Gets the name of the lighthouse, if available.

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::Domains::ILighthouse::Name

property Size

float Size;

Gets the physical size (in Meters) of the lighthouse.

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::Domains::ILighthouse::Size

property RedirectUrl

string RedirectUrl;

Gets the redirect Url associated with the lighthouse, if available.

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::Domains::ILighthouse::RedirectUrl

property CreatedAt

DateTime CreatedAt;

Gets the creation timestamp of the lighthouse.

property UpdatedAt

DateTime UpdatedAt;

Gets the last update timestamp of the lighthouse.

property DomainsCached

IReadOnlyDictionary< string, DomainAssociation > DomainsCached;

Cache of currently known Domains containing this StaticLighthouse, indexed by Id. Note: this property provides quick access to locally downloaded data from previous requests. It is not kept in sync with the server and thus might be not up to date.