This describes a StaticLighthouse and API to interact with it. Note - you will need a Domain first to query/update any data stored in that Domain.
Inherits from Auki.ConjureKit.Domains.ILighthouse
Public Functions
Name | |
void | GetDomains(OrganizationSource orgFilter, Action< IReadOnlyCollection< DomainAssociation > > onSuccess, Action< string > onFailure) Gets the list of domains containing this lighthouse. |
void | AddToDomain(string domainId, Action onSuccess, Action< string > onFailure) Adds the lighthouse to the specified domain using its ID. |
void | AddToDomain(Domain domain, Action onSuccess, Action< string > onFailure) Adds the lighthouse to the specified domain. |
void | RemoveFromDomain(string domainId, Action onSuccess, Action< string > onFailure) Removes the lighthouse from the specified domain using its ID. |
void | RemoveFromDomain(Domain domain, Action onSuccess, Action< string > onFailure) Removes the lighthouse from the specified domain. |
void | GetPoseInDomain(Domain domain, Action< PoseInDomain > onSuccess, Action< string > onFailure, bool preferCache =false) Gets the pose of the lighthouse within the specified domain. |
void | AddOrUpdatePoseInDomain(Domain domain, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, Action< PoseInDomain > onSuccess, Action< string > onFailure) Sets the pose of the lighthouse within the specified domain. |
void | RemovePoseInDomain(Domain domain, Action onSuccess, Action< string > onFailure) Resets the pose of the lighthouse within the specified domain. |
bool | IsShortIdValid(string id) Checks if the given string is a valid Short Id format. It needs to be 11 chars long and containing only [0-9] and [A-Z] chars. |
Public Properties
Name | |
string | Id Gets the unique identifier of the lighthouse. |
string | ShortId Gets the short identifier of the lighthouse. |
string | OrganizationId Gets the organization identifier associated with the lighthouse. |
string | Name Gets the name of the lighthouse, if available. |
float | Size Gets the physical size (in Meters) of the lighthouse. |
string | RedirectUrl Gets the redirect Url associated with the lighthouse, if available. |
DateTime | CreatedAt Gets the creation timestamp of the lighthouse. |
DateTime | UpdatedAt Gets the last update timestamp of the lighthouse. |
IReadOnlyDictionary< string, DomainAssociation > | DomainsCached Cache of currently known Domains containing this StaticLighthouse, indexed by Id. Note: this property provides quick access to locally downloaded data from previous requests. It is not kept in sync with the server and thus might be not up to date. |
Public Functions Documentation
function GetDomains
void GetDomains(
OrganizationSource orgFilter,
Action< IReadOnlyCollection< DomainAssociation > > onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure
Gets the list of domains containing this lighthouse.
- orgFilter Restricts results by organization.
- onSuccess Callback for a successful request, returns the list of lighthouses.
- onFailure Callback for a failed request, providing an error message.
function AddToDomain
void AddToDomain(
string domainId,
Action onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure
Adds the lighthouse to the specified domain using its ID.
- domainId The ID of the domain to add the lighthouse to.
- onSuccess Callback for a successful request.
- onFailure Callback for a failed request, providing an error message.
function AddToDomain
void AddToDomain(
Domain domain,
Action onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure
Adds the lighthouse to the specified domain.
- domain The domain to add the lighthouse to.
- onSuccess Callback for a successful request.
- onFailure Callback for a failed request, providing an error message.
function RemoveFromDomain
void RemoveFromDomain(
string domainId,
Action onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure
Removes the lighthouse from the specified domain using its ID.
- domainId The ID of the domain to remove the lighthouse from.
- onSuccess Callback for a successful request.
- onFailure Callback for a failed request, providing an error message.
function RemoveFromDomain
void RemoveFromDomain(
Domain domain,
Action onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure
Removes the lighthouse from the specified domain.
- domain The domain to remove the lighthouse from.
- onSuccess Callback for a successful request.
- onFailure Callback for a failed request, providing an error message.
function GetPoseInDomain
void GetPoseInDomain(
Domain domain,
Action< PoseInDomain > onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure,
bool preferCache =false
Gets the pose of the lighthouse within the specified domain.
- domain The domain to get the lighthouse pose from.
- onSuccess A PoseInDomain has been set and it is returned with all its information.
- onFailure No pose has been set for the StaticLighthouse in the Domain.
- preferCache When true, avoids requesting again from server data already in cache, but can lead to out-of-sync data. Default = false.
function AddOrUpdatePoseInDomain
void AddOrUpdatePoseInDomain(
Domain domain,
Vector3 position,
Quaternion rotation,
Action< PoseInDomain > onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure
Sets the pose of the lighthouse within the specified domain.
- domain The domain to set the lighthouse pose in.
- position Position for the lighthouse.
- rotation Rotation for the lighthouse.
- onSuccess Callback for a successful request, returning the updated pose.
- onFailure Callback for a failed request, providing an error message.
function RemovePoseInDomain
void RemovePoseInDomain(
Domain domain,
Action onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure
Resets the pose of the lighthouse within the specified domain.
- domain The domain to reset the lighthouse pose in.
- onSuccess Callback for a successful request.
- onFailure Callback for a failed request, providing an error message.
function IsShortIdValid
static bool IsShortIdValid(
string id
Checks if the given string is a valid Short Id format. It needs to be 11 chars long and containing only [0-9] and [A-Z] chars.
- id The string to check.
Return: True if it is a valid short id.
Public Property Documentation
property Id
string Id;
Gets the unique identifier of the lighthouse.
Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::Domains::ILighthouse::Id
property ShortId
string ShortId;
Gets the short identifier of the lighthouse.
Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::Domains::ILighthouse::ShortId
property OrganizationId
string OrganizationId;
Gets the organization identifier associated with the lighthouse.
Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::Domains::ILighthouse::OrganizationId
property Name
string Name;
Gets the name of the lighthouse, if available.
Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::Domains::ILighthouse::Name
property Size
float Size;
Gets the physical size (in Meters) of the lighthouse.
Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::Domains::ILighthouse::Size
property RedirectUrl
string RedirectUrl;
Gets the redirect Url associated with the lighthouse, if available.
Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::Domains::ILighthouse::RedirectUrl
property CreatedAt
DateTime CreatedAt;
Gets the creation timestamp of the lighthouse.
property UpdatedAt
DateTime UpdatedAt;
Gets the last update timestamp of the lighthouse.
property DomainsCached
IReadOnlyDictionary< string, DomainAssociation > DomainsCached;
Cache of currently known Domains containing this StaticLighthouse, indexed by Id. Note: this property provides quick access to locally downloaded data from previous requests. It is not kept in sync with the server and thus might be not up to date.