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Describes a Domain and the API to interact with it.

Public Functions

voidGetLighthouses(OrganizationSource orgFilter, Action< IReadOnlyCollection< DomainAssociation > > onSuccess, Action< string > onFailure)
Requests the list of Lighthouses associated with this Domain. Currently only OrganizationSource.Any is supported for this function; other values will be ignored. This is intended for future support.
voidAddLighthouse(string lighthouseId, Action onSuccess, Action< string > onFailure)
Adds a lighthouse to the domain by its ID.
voidAddLighthouse(StaticLighthouse lighthouse, Action onSuccess, Action< string > onFailure)
Adds a lighthouse to the domain.
voidRemoveLighthouse(string lighthouseId, Action onSuccess, Action< string > onFailure)
Removes an existing lighthouse from the domain by its Id or Short Id. Requires access token created with username and password.
voidRemoveLighthouse(StaticLighthouse lighthouse, Action onSuccess, Action< string > onFailure)
Removes an existing lighthouse from the domain. Requires access token created with username and password.
voidGetAllLighthousePoses(Action< IReadOnlyCollection< PoseInDomain > > onSuccess, Action< string > onFailure)
Gets the poses of all lighthouses within the domain.
voidGetLighthousePose(string lighthouseId, Action< PoseInDomain > onSuccess, Action< string > onFailure, bool preferCache =false)
Gets the pose of a specific lighthouse by its Id or Short Id within the domain.
voidGetLighthousePose(StaticLighthouse lighthouse, Action< PoseInDomain > onSuccess, Action< string > onFailure, bool preferCache =false)
Gets the pose of a specific lighthouse within the domain.
voidAddOrUpdateLighthousePose(StaticLighthouse lighthouse, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, Action< PoseInDomain > onSuccess, Action< string > onFailure)
Adds or updates the pose of a lighthouse within the domain. If the lighthouse has not yet been added to the domain when calling this function, it will also be added. Requires access token created with username and password.
voidAddOrUpdateLighthousePose(string lighthouseId, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, Action< PoseInDomain > onSuccess, Action< string > onFailure)
Adds or updates the pose of a lighthouse by its Id or Short Id within the domain. If the lighthouse has not yet been added to the domain when calling this function, it will also be added. Requires access token created with username and password.
voidRemoveLighthousePose(StaticLighthouse lighthouse, Action onSuccess, Action< string > onFailure)
Removes the pose of a specific lighthouse from the associated domain. Requires access token created with username and password.
voidRemoveLighthousePose(string lighthouseId, Action onSuccess, Action< string > onFailure)
Resets the pose of an existing lighthouse by its Id or Short Id in the Domain. Requires access token created with username and password.
voidRemoveAllLighthousePoses(Action onSuccess, Action< string > onFailure)
Removes all lighthouse poses from the associated domain. Requires access token created with username and password.
voidGetMetadata(string dataId, Action< DomainDataInfo > onSuccess, Action< string > onFailure, bool preferCache =false)
Gets specific metadata in a Domain.
voidGetMetadata(string dataName, string dataType, Action< DomainDataInfo > onSuccess, Action< string > onFailure, bool preferCache =false)
Gets specific metadata in a Domain.
voidGetMetadataByType(string dataType, Action< IReadOnlyCollection< DomainDataInfo > > onSuccess, Action< string > onFailure)
Lists all metadata in a Domain by data type.
voidGetMetadataByName(string dataName, Action< IReadOnlyCollection< DomainDataInfo > > onSuccess, Action< string > onFailure)
Lists all metadata in a Domain by data name.
voidGetDataByType(string dataType, Action< IReadOnlyCollection<(DomainDataInfo info, byte[] payload)> > onSuccess, Action< string > onFailure)
Retrieves all metadata and content from the Domain by data type.
voidGetDataByType(string dataType, Action< IReadOnlyCollection<(DomainDataInfo info, string payload)> > onSuccess, Action< string > onFailure)
Retrieves all metadata and content from the Domain by data type, returning both metadata and data content as string.
voidGetDataByName(string dataName, Action< IReadOnlyCollection<(DomainDataInfo info, byte[] payload)> > onSuccess, Action< string > onFailure)
Retrieves all metadata and content from the Domain by data name.
voidGetDataByName(string dataName, Action< IReadOnlyCollection<(DomainDataInfo info, string payload)> > onSuccess, Action< string > onFailure)
Retrieves all metadata and content from the Domain by data name, returning both metadata and data content as string.
voidGetData(string dataId, Action< DomainDataInfo, byte[]> onSuccess, Action< string > onFailure)
Retrieves specific data from the Domain, returning both metadata and data content.
voidGetData(string dataName, string dataType, Action< DomainDataInfo, byte[]> onSuccess, Action< string > onFailure)
Retrieves specific data from the Domain given its name and type, returning both metadata and data content.
voidGetData(string dataId, Action< DomainDataInfo, string > onSuccess, Action< string > onFailure)
Retrieves specific data from the Domain, returning both metadata and data content as strings.
voidGetData(string dataName, string dataType, Action< DomainDataInfo, string > onSuccess, Action< string > onFailure)
Retrieves specific data from the Domain, returning both metadata and data content as strings.
voidCreateData(string name, string dataType, byte[] data, Action< DomainDataInfo > onSuccess, Action< string > onFailure)
Creates new data in the Domain, given a name, type and payload.
voidCreateData(string name, string dataType, string data, Action< DomainDataInfo > onSuccess, Action< string > onFailure)
Creates new data in the Domain, given a name, type and string payload.
voidUpdateData(string dataId, byte[] data, Action< DateTime > onSuccess, Action< string > onFailure)
Updates existing data in the Domain, including data payload. Affects the UpdatedAt value DomainDataInfo.
voidUpdateData(string dataId, string data, Action< DateTime > onSuccess, Action< string > onFailure)
Updates existing data in the Domain, including data payload. Affects the UpdatedAt value of DomainDataInfo.
voidRemoveData(string dataId, Action onSuccess, Action< string > onFailure)
Removes/deletes data from the Domain.
voidGetMetadata(IReadOnlyList< string > dataIds, Action< IReadOnlyList< DomainDataInfo > > onSuccess, Action< string > onFailure, BatchResultMode resultMode =BatchResultMode.Transaction)
Retrieves a set of metadata from the Domain as a batch operation. Results are ALWAYS returned in the same order as the input list of ids, but some might be null if BatchResultMode parameter is set to BatchResultMode.BestEffort.
voidGetData(IReadOnlyList< string > dataIds, Action< IReadOnlyList<(DomainDataInfo metadata, byte[] data)> > onSuccess, Action< string > onFailure, BatchResultMode resultMode =BatchResultMode.Transaction)
Retrieves a set of data from the Domain as a batch operation, returning both metadata and data content. Results are ALWAYS returned in the same order as the input list of ids, but some might be null if BatchResultMode parameter is set to BatchResultMode.BestEffort.
voidCreateData(IReadOnlyList<(string name, string dataType, byte[] data)> dataList, Action< IReadOnlyList< DomainDataInfo > > onSuccess, Action< string > onFailure)
Creates new data in the Domain, given a name, type and payload. Since this is always a BatchResultMode.Transaction, no change will be effective unless all creations succeed and results are always returned in the same order as the input list.
voidUpdateData(IReadOnlyList<(string id, byte[] updatedData)> updatesList, Action< DateTime > onSuccess, Action< string > onFailure)
Updates multiple existing data in the Domain at once, including data payload. Affects the UpdatedAt value of DomainDataInfo. Since this is always a BatchResultMode.Transaction, no change will be effective unless all updates succeed.
voidRemoveData(IReadOnlyList< string > dataIds, Action onSuccess, Action< string > onFailure)
Removes/deletes multiple data from the Domain. Since this is always a BatchResultMode.Transaction, no change will be effective unless all deletions succeed.

Public Properties

Gets the id for a domain which contains the Lighthouse.
Gets the organization id for a domain which contains the Lighthouse.
Gets the name of the domain.
Gets the redirect URI associated with the domain.
Gets the time at which the domain was created.
Gets the time at which the domain was last updated.
Gets the information about the server on which this Domain is currently stored.
IReadOnlyDictionary< string, DomainAssociation >LighthousesCached
Cache of currently known DomainAssociations between this Domain and known StaticLighthouses, indexed by StaticLighthouse id. Each element may also contain a cached PoseInDomain. Note: this property provides quick access to locally downloaded data from previous requests. It is not kept in sync with the server and thus might be not up to date.

Public Functions Documentation

function GetLighthouses

void GetLighthouses(
OrganizationSource orgFilter,
Action< IReadOnlyCollection< DomainAssociation > > onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure

Requests the list of Lighthouses associated with this Domain. Currently only OrganizationSource.Any is supported for this function; other values will be ignored. This is intended for future support.


  • orgFilter Filters lighthouses by organization. Only OrganizationSource.Any is currently supported.
  • onSuccess Callback for a successful request, returns the list of lighthouses.
  • onFailure Callback for a failed request, providing an error message.

function AddLighthouse

void AddLighthouse(
string lighthouseId,
Action onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure

Adds a lighthouse to the domain by its ID.


  • lighthouseId The ID of the lighthouse to add.
  • onSuccess Callback for a successful request.
  • onFailure Callback for a failed request, providing an error message.

function AddLighthouse

void AddLighthouse(
StaticLighthouse lighthouse,
Action onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure

Adds a lighthouse to the domain.


  • lighthouse The lighthouse to add.
  • onSuccess Callback for a successful request.
  • onFailure Callback for a failed request, providing an error message.

function RemoveLighthouse

void RemoveLighthouse(
string lighthouseId,
Action onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure

Removes an existing lighthouse from the domain by its Id or Short Id. Requires access token created with username and password.


  • lighthouseId The ID of the lighthouse to remove.
  • onSuccess Callback for a successful request.
  • onFailure Callback for a failed request, providing an error message.

function RemoveLighthouse

void RemoveLighthouse(
StaticLighthouse lighthouse,
Action onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure

Removes an existing lighthouse from the domain. Requires access token created with username and password.


  • lighthouse The lighthouse to remove.
  • onSuccess Callback for a successful request.
  • onFailure Callback for a failed request, providing an error message.

function GetAllLighthousePoses

void GetAllLighthousePoses(
Action< IReadOnlyCollection< PoseInDomain > > onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure

Gets the poses of all lighthouses within the domain.


  • onSuccess Callback for a successful request, returns a list of poses.
  • onFailure Callback for a failed request, providing an error message.

function GetLighthousePose

void GetLighthousePose(
string lighthouseId,
Action< PoseInDomain > onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure,
bool preferCache =false

Gets the pose of a specific lighthouse by its Id or Short Id within the domain.


  • lighthouseId The ID of the lighthouse.
  • onSuccess A PoseInDomain has been set and it is returned with all its information.
  • onFailure No pose has been set for the StaticLighthouse in the Domain.
  • preferCache When true, avoids requesting again from server data already in cache, but can lead to out-of-sync data. Default = false.

function GetLighthousePose

void GetLighthousePose(
StaticLighthouse lighthouse,
Action< PoseInDomain > onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure,
bool preferCache =false

Gets the pose of a specific lighthouse within the domain.


  • lighthouse The lighthouse to get the pose for.
  • onSuccess A PoseInDomain has been set and it is returned with all its information.
  • onFailure No pose has been set for the StaticLighthouse in the Domain.
  • preferCache When true, avoids requesting again from server data already in cache, but can lead to out-of-sync data. Default = false.

function AddOrUpdateLighthousePose

void AddOrUpdateLighthousePose(
StaticLighthouse lighthouse,
Vector3 position,
Quaternion rotation,
Action< PoseInDomain > onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure

Adds or updates the pose of a lighthouse within the domain. If the lighthouse has not yet been added to the domain when calling this function, it will also be added. Requires access token created with username and password.


  • lighthouse The lighthouse.
  • position Position for the lighthouse.
  • rotation Rotation for the lighthouse.
  • onSuccess Callback for a successful request, returns the created or updated placement.
  • onFailure Callback for a failed request, providing an error message.

function AddOrUpdateLighthousePose

void AddOrUpdateLighthousePose(
string lighthouseId,
Vector3 position,
Quaternion rotation,
Action< PoseInDomain > onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure

Adds or updates the pose of a lighthouse by its Id or Short Id within the domain. If the lighthouse has not yet been added to the domain when calling this function, it will also be added. Requires access token created with username and password.


  • lighthouseId The ID of the lighthouse.
  • position Position for the lighthouse.
  • rotation Rotation for the lighthouse.
  • onSuccess Callback for a successful request, returns the created or updated placement.
  • onFailure Callback for a failed request, providing an error message.

function RemoveLighthousePose

void RemoveLighthousePose(
StaticLighthouse lighthouse,
Action onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure

Removes the pose of a specific lighthouse from the associated domain. Requires access token created with username and password.


  • lighthouse The specific lighthouse for which to remove the pose.
  • onSuccess Callback for a successful request.
  • onFailure Callback for a failed request, providing an error message.

function RemoveLighthousePose

void RemoveLighthousePose(
string lighthouseId,
Action onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure

Resets the pose of an existing lighthouse by its Id or Short Id in the Domain. Requires access token created with username and password.


  • lighthouseId The id of the lighthouse to reset.
  • onSuccess Pose is reported to be successfully reset.
  • onFailure Failure to reset pose.

function RemoveAllLighthousePoses

void RemoveAllLighthousePoses(
Action onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure

Removes all lighthouse poses from the associated domain. Requires access token created with username and password.


  • onSuccess Callback for a successful request.
  • onFailure Callback for a failed request, providing an error message.

function GetMetadata

void GetMetadata(
string dataId,
Action< DomainDataInfo > onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure,
bool preferCache =false

Gets specific metadata in a Domain.


  • dataId The data id to get metadata for.
  • onSuccess Callback for successful retrieval, returning the requested metadata.
  • onFailure Callback for failure, returning an error message.
  • preferCache When true, avoids requesting again from server data already in cache, but can lead to out-of-sync data. Default = false.

function GetMetadata

void GetMetadata(
string dataName,
string dataType,
Action< DomainDataInfo > onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure,
bool preferCache =false

Gets specific metadata in a Domain.


  • dataName The data name.
  • dataType The data type.
  • onSuccess Callback for successful retrieval, returning a list of metadata.
  • onFailure Callback for failure, returning an error message.
  • preferCache When true, avoids requesting again from server data already in cache, but can lead to out-of-sync data. Default = false.

function GetMetadataByType

void GetMetadataByType(
string dataType,
Action< IReadOnlyCollection< DomainDataInfo > > onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure

Lists all metadata in a Domain by data type.


  • dataType The data type to filter results.
  • onSuccess Callback for successful retrieval, returning a list of metadata.
  • onFailure Callback for failure, returning an error message.

function GetMetadataByName

void GetMetadataByName(
string dataName,
Action< IReadOnlyCollection< DomainDataInfo > > onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure

Lists all metadata in a Domain by data name.


  • dataName The data name to filter results.
  • onSuccess Callback for successful retrieval, returning a list of metadata.
  • onFailure Callback for failure, returning an error message.

function GetDataByType

void GetDataByType(
string dataType,
Action< IReadOnlyCollection<(DomainDataInfo info, byte[] payload)> > onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure

Retrieves all metadata and content from the Domain by data type.


  • dataType The data type to filter results.
  • onSuccess Callback for successful retrieval, returning a list of tuples with metadata and data content.
  • onFailure Callback for failure, returning an error message.

function GetDataByType

void GetDataByType(
string dataType,
Action< IReadOnlyCollection<(DomainDataInfo info, string payload)> > onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure

Retrieves all metadata and content from the Domain by data type, returning both metadata and data content as string.


  • dataType The data type to filter results.
  • onSuccess Callback for successful retrieval, returning a list of tuples with metadata and data content as strings.
  • onFailure Callback for failure, returning an error message.

function GetDataByName

void GetDataByName(
string dataName,
Action< IReadOnlyCollection<(DomainDataInfo info, byte[] payload)> > onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure

Retrieves all metadata and content from the Domain by data name.


  • dataName The data name to filter results.
  • onSuccess Callback for successful retrieval, returning a list of tuples with metadata and data content.
  • onFailure Callback for failure, returning an error message.

function GetDataByName

void GetDataByName(
string dataName,
Action< IReadOnlyCollection<(DomainDataInfo info, string payload)> > onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure

Retrieves all metadata and content from the Domain by data name, returning both metadata and data content as string.


  • dataName The data name to filter results.
  • onSuccess Callback for successful retrieval, returning a list of tuples with metadata and data content as strings.
  • onFailure Callback for failure, returning an error message.

function GetData

void GetData(
string dataId,
Action< DomainDataInfo, byte[]> onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure

Retrieves specific data from the Domain, returning both metadata and data content.


  • dataId The id of the domain data.
  • onSuccess Callback for successful retrieval, returning metadata and data content.
  • onFailure Callback for failure, returning an error message.

function GetData

void GetData(
string dataName,
string dataType,
Action< DomainDataInfo, byte[]> onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure

Retrieves specific data from the Domain given its name and type, returning both metadata and data content.


  • dataName The data name.
  • dataType The data type.
  • onSuccess Callback for successful retrieval, returning a list of metadata.
  • onFailure Callback for failure, returning an error message.

function GetData

void GetData(
string dataId,
Action< DomainDataInfo, string > onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure

Retrieves specific data from the Domain, returning both metadata and data content as strings.


  • dataId The id of the domain data.
  • onSuccess Callback for successful retrieval, returning metadata and data content as strings.
  • onFailure Callback for failure, returning an error message.

function GetData

void GetData(
string dataName,
string dataType,
Action< DomainDataInfo, string > onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure

Retrieves specific data from the Domain, returning both metadata and data content as strings.


  • dataName The data name.
  • dataType The data type.
  • onSuccess Callback for successful retrieval, returning metadata and data content as strings.
  • onFailure Callback for failure, returning an error message.

function CreateData

void CreateData(
string name,
string dataType,
byte[] data,
Action< DomainDataInfo > onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure

Creates new data in the Domain, given a name, type and payload.


  • name Name of the new data.
  • dataType Type of the new data.
  • data Payload of the new data as a byte array.
  • onSuccess Callback for successful creation, returning the created domain data information.
  • onFailure Callback for failure, returning an error message.

function CreateData

void CreateData(
string name,
string dataType,
string data,
Action< DomainDataInfo > onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure

Creates new data in the Domain, given a name, type and string payload.


  • name Name of the new data.
  • dataType Type of the new data, can be any string but suggested is as an extension (without the '.').
  • data Payload of the new data as a string.
  • onSuccess Callback for successful creation, returning the created domain data information.
  • onFailure Callback for failure, returning an error message.

function UpdateData

void UpdateData(
string dataId,
byte[] data,
Action< DateTime > onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure

Updates existing data in the Domain, including data payload. Affects the UpdatedAt value DomainDataInfo.


  • dataId The id of the domain data to update.
  • data Updated payload data as a byte array.
  • onSuccess Callback for successful update. Returns the time of update on the server.
  • onFailure Callback for failure, returning an error message.

function UpdateData

void UpdateData(
string dataId,
string data,
Action< DateTime > onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure

Updates existing data in the Domain, including data payload. Affects the UpdatedAt value of DomainDataInfo.


  • dataId The id of the domain data to update.
  • data Updated payload data as a string.
  • onSuccess Callback for successful update. Returns the time of update on the server.
  • onFailure Callback for failure, returning an error message.

function RemoveData

void RemoveData(
string dataId,
Action onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure

Removes/deletes data from the Domain.


  • dataId The id of the domain data to remove.
  • onSuccess Callback for successful removal.
  • onFailure Callback for failure, returning an error message.

function GetMetadata

void GetMetadata(
IReadOnlyList< string > dataIds,
Action< IReadOnlyList< DomainDataInfo > > onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure,
BatchResultMode resultMode =BatchResultMode.Transaction

Retrieves a set of metadata from the Domain as a batch operation. Results are ALWAYS returned in the same order as the input list of ids, but some might be null if BatchResultMode parameter is set to BatchResultMode.BestEffort.


  • dataIds The id list of domain data.
  • onSuccess Callback for successful retrieval, returning a list of metadata. The results in the list are always provided in the same order/sequence as the provided input list. Each metadata can be null with BatchResultMode.BestEffort if some data was not found.
  • onFailure Callback for failure, returning an error message. This is also triggered when at least one item is missing and BatchResultMode.Transaction mode is being used.
  • resultMode Determines the behaviour for this batch operation, defined in BatchResultMode. Default is BatchResultMode.Transaction.

function GetData

void GetData(
IReadOnlyList< string > dataIds,
Action< IReadOnlyList<(DomainDataInfo metadata, byte[] data)> > onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure,
BatchResultMode resultMode =BatchResultMode.Transaction

Retrieves a set of data from the Domain as a batch operation, returning both metadata and data content. Results are ALWAYS returned in the same order as the input list of ids, but some might be null if BatchResultMode parameter is set to BatchResultMode.BestEffort.


  • dataIds The id list of domain data.

  • onSuccess Callback for successful retrieval, returning metadata and data content. The results in the list are always provided in the same order/sequence as the provided input list.

  • metadata: metadata. Can be null with BatchResultMode.BestEffort if some data was not found.

  • data: payload of the new data as a byte array. Can be null with BatchResultMode.BestEffort if some data was not found.

    • onFailure Callback for failure, returning an error message. This is also triggered when at least one item is missing and BatchResultMode.Transaction mode is being used.
    • resultMode Determines the behaviour for this batch operation, defined in BatchResultMode. Default is BatchResultMode.Transaction.

function CreateData

void CreateData(
IReadOnlyList<(string name, string dataType, byte[] data)> dataList,
Action< IReadOnlyList< DomainDataInfo > > onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure

Creates new data in the Domain, given a name, type and payload. Since this is always a BatchResultMode.Transaction, no change will be effective unless all creations succeed and results are always returned in the same order as the input list.


  • dataList The list of data to batch create. Each item is a tuple of:

  • Name: name of the new data.

  • DataType: type of the new data, can be any string but suggested is as an extension (without the '.').

  • Data: payload of the new data as a byte array.

    • onSuccess Callback for successful creation, returning the created domain data information. The results in the list are always provided in the same order/sequence as the provided input list.
    • onFailure Callback for failure, returning an error message.

function UpdateData

void UpdateData(
IReadOnlyList<(string id, byte[] updatedData)> updatesList,
Action< DateTime > onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure

Updates multiple existing data in the Domain at once, including data payload. Affects the UpdatedAt value of DomainDataInfo. Since this is always a BatchResultMode.Transaction, no change will be effective unless all updates succeed.


  • updatesList The list of data updates to batch. Each item is a tuple of:

  • Id: id of the data to update.

  • Data: new payload to apply as a byte array.

    • onSuccess Callback for successful update. Returns the latest/earliest reported update time (aka the time the last element was updated on the server).
    • onFailure Callback for failure, returning an error message.

function RemoveData

void RemoveData(
IReadOnlyList< string > dataIds,
Action onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure

Removes/deletes multiple data from the Domain. Since this is always a BatchResultMode.Transaction, no change will be effective unless all deletions succeed.


  • dataIds The ids of the domain data to remove.
  • onSuccess Callback for successful removal.
  • onFailure Callback for failure, returning an error message.

Public Property Documentation

property Id

string Id;

Gets the id for a domain which contains the Lighthouse.

property OrganizationId

string OrganizationId;

Gets the organization id for a domain which contains the Lighthouse.

property Name

string Name;

Gets the name of the domain.

property RedirectUri

string RedirectUri;

Gets the redirect URI associated with the domain.

property CreatedAt

DateTime CreatedAt;

Gets the time at which the domain was created.

property UpdatedAt

DateTime UpdatedAt;

Gets the time at which the domain was last updated.

property DomainServer

DomainServerInfo DomainServer;

Gets the information about the server on which this Domain is currently stored.

property LighthousesCached

IReadOnlyDictionary< string, DomainAssociation > LighthousesCached;

Cache of currently known DomainAssociations between this Domain and known StaticLighthouses, indexed by StaticLighthouse id. Each element may also contain a cached PoseInDomain. Note: this property provides quick access to locally downloaded data from previous requests. It is not kept in sync with the server and thus might be not up to date.