Functionalities of the Manna module are enabled by instantiating a [Manna](/#)
object while passing your instance of ConjureKit
Inherits from ConjureKitModule
Public Functions
Name | |
Manna(IConjureKit conjureKit, float distanceToSizeRatio =10f) Constructor - initializes and registers Manna as a ConjureKit module. | |
void | ProcessVideoFrameTexture(Texture texture, Matrix4x4 projectionMatrix, Matrix4x4 worldToCameraMatrix) Pass a video frame to Manna so that Manna can scan it for QrCodes. (See code samples.) See the overloaded version of this function for finer-grained control on the coordinate transform pipeline. In this version of the function, textureToProjectedCoordinatesMatrix defaults to the matrix computed by DefaultTextureToNDCMatrices.ARFoundationCameraBackgroundDefaultMatrix() . |
void | ProcessVideoFrameTexture(Texture texture, Matrix4x4 textureToProjectedCoordinatesMatrix, Matrix4x4 projectionMatrix, Matrix4x4 worldToCameraMatrix) Pass a video frame together with a custom texture-to-screen-coordinate matrix to Manna. |
float | OwnDeviceScreenPixelsPerInch() Returns the number of screen pixels per physical inch, to the best of Manna's knowledge of the current device. The implicit guarantee is that dividing Screen.width by this value gives the physical width of the current device screen, in inches, and likewise for Screen.height. |
long | MillisecondsSinceLastOnCalibrationSuccess() Returns the number of milliseconds since the last time Manna executed its the OnCalibrationSuccess callback in the current session; is reset after (not right before) that callback; is -1 if OnCalibrationSuccess has not yet been called. |
void | SetOnBeforeCalibration(Action< Lighthouse, Action< bool >> onBeforeCalibration) Set a callback that is called after a calibration frame has been decided and allows for the developer to do some logic before the calibration and decide if it should continue. If the action is called with true, the calibration will continue, else it will not. |
void | SetStaticLighthousePoseSelector(Action< LighthousePose[], Action< LighthousePose >> poseSelector) Set a callback that is called when a static lighthouse has been scanned. The callback should invoke the provided Action with a chosen LighthousePose from the array. |
Rect | LighthouseRectInMetersFromScreenTopLeft() Returns a Rect whose .x .y is the visual bottom left of the lighthouse, in Unity coordinates in the frame of reference of the screen's top left corner. |
Rect | LighthouseBackgroundRectInMetersFromScreenTopLeft() Returns a Rect whose .x .y is the visual bottom left of the lighthouse background frame, in Unity coordinates in the frame of reference of the screen's top left corner. |
void | SetLighthouseVisible(bool visible) Display/hide the on-screen instant calibration QR code. |
void | SetLighthousePosition(Vector2 positionInIMGUICoordinates) Sets the position of the center on-screen instant calibration QR code, in pixels from the top left corner of the screen. The position values are truncated such as to prevent the code from being displayed too close to the screen's edge. For example, SetLighthousePosition(Screen.width, Screen.height) will result in a QR code that is inset from the bottom right of the screen. |
override void | _Init(Action onComplete, Action< string > onFailed) |
override void | _Update() |
void | _StoreLastCalibrationFrameData(Action< Texture2D, Texture2D, long, long, string > onCalibrationFrameDataReady =null) (Internal) Stores debug data from last calibration. |
void | _StoreVideoFeedDataFrameData(Action< Texture2D, long, string > onVideoFeedFrameDataReady =null) (Internal) Stores debug data from video feed. |
void | LeftMultiplyTransformByMatrix(Transform transform, Matrix4x4 matrix) Utility function. See usage notes in the Manna class overview. |
void | LeftMultiplyTransformByMatrix(GameObject gameObject, Matrix4x4 matrix) Utility function. See usage notes in the Manna class overview. |
Public Properties
Name | |
bool | VibrateOnReportPose Cause the device offering calibration to vibrate when it receives a request from a device trying to calibrate. This vibration will occur before the device trying to calibrate sets its state to Calibrated, but after that other's 'VibrateOnReadPose' haptic feedback, if that flag is set. |
bool | VibrateOnReadPose Cause a device to vibrate whenever it scans a lighthouse (QR code) at sufficiently close range. This vibration will occur before the device succeeds in joining an associated session, and before the 'VibrateOnReportPose' haptic feedback of the device offering calibration, if any, if that flag is set. |
bool | VibrateOnCalibrate Cause the device to vibrate each time its successfully recalibrates from scanning a lighthouse in its environment; this haptic feedback will occur after the haptic feedback from 'VibrateOnReadPose', if the former flag is set. |
Action< Lighthouse, Pose, bool > | OnLighthouseTracked Called when a lighthouse is being tracked even if its not close enough the boolean passed indicates weather its deemed to be close enough or not. |
Action< Matrix4x4 > | OnCalibrationSuccess This callback is called at the same frame that the pose of the ARSessionOrigin is adjusted to accommodate for joining a pre-existing session via QR code calibration. See the detailed usage notes above in the Manna class overview. |
Action< CalibrationFailureData > | OnCalibrationFailed Called if calibration fails. |
Action< bool > | OnSetImageTracker Called when image tracker is changed. Will return true if Manna is using the ARFoundation image tracker or false if it's using the native one. Deprecated: this event is no longer triggered/used. |
long | CalibrationCooldownMs |
Detailed Description
class Auki::ConjureKit::Manna::Manna;
Functionalities of the Manna module are enabled by instantiating a [Manna](/#)
object while passing your instance of ConjureKit
Use the SetLighthouseVisible
method of the Manna class to hide and show the calibrating QR code.
The on-screen position and appearance of the QR code is not adjustable in this release of the Manna module.
When a participant running an application with the same app_key
scans a code, that participant is automatically taken out of their current session and brought into the session of the participant displaying the code. This triggers ConjureKit.
By examining the pose of the displayed QR code relative to itself the joining device also computes a 4x4 matrix M
mapping its current world coordinates to the world coordinates of the new session. This matrix is applied to its ARSessionOrigin transform, effectively changing the (physical) pose of the joining participant's Unity scene origin to match the (physical) pose of the scene origin in the session being joined. Note that any visible assets will change (physical) position alongside the Unity scene origin during this step unless corrective action is taken.
Visible assets can be kept in place during the coordinate change by setting Manna's .OnCalibrationSuccess
callback. This callback takes the before-mentioned matrix M
as argument. One should left-multiply the transforms of any first-level game objects that belong to the old coordinate system to keep them in physical place. The Manna class provides a convenience static method for this, LeftMultiplyTransformByMatrix
. E.g.:
using Auki.ConjureKit;
using Auki.ConjureKit.Manna;
public class Main : MonoBehaviour
_gameObject1 = ...;
_gameObject2 = ...;
_conjureKit = new ConjureKit(app_key, app_secret);
_manna = new Manna(_conjureKit);
_manna.OnCalibrationSuccess += (matrix) =>
Manna.LeftMultiplyTransformByMatrix(_gameObject1.transform, matrix);
Manna.LeftMultiplyTransformByMatrix(_gameObject2.transform, matrix);
is overloaded to directly accept GameObject
s for its first argument, as well.
Note that in the above example, any possible children of _gameObject1
or _gameObject2
need not have their transforms left-multiplied by matrix
since the transform has already been applied at the parent level. (Indeed, applications may wish to group all of their visible assets inside of a single subtree of the scene, such as to apply Manna.LeftMultiplyTransformByMatrix(..., matrix);
only once, at the root of that subtree. See also the next note, however.)
Note that there is a window of time between when ConjureKit. Children of ARSessionOrigin should not be left-multiplied, either.
Public Functions Documentation
function Manna
IConjureKit conjureKit,
float distanceToSizeRatio =10f
Constructor - initializes and registers Manna as a ConjureKit module.
- conjureKit ConjureKit instance
- distanceToSizeRatio (internal) optional max calibration distance to QR code size ratio
function ProcessVideoFrameTexture
void ProcessVideoFrameTexture(
Texture texture,
Matrix4x4 projectionMatrix,
Matrix4x4 worldToCameraMatrix
Pass a video frame to Manna so that Manna can scan it for QrCodes. (See code samples.) See the overloaded version of this function for finer-grained control on the coordinate transform pipeline. In this version of the function, textureToProjectedCoordinatesMatrix
defaults to the matrix computed by DefaultTextureToNDCMatrices.ARFoundationCameraBackgroundDefaultMatrix()
- texture The texture.
- projectionMatrix The coordinate transform from camera space to normalized device coordinates.
- worldToCameraMatrix The coordinate transform from camera space to world space.
function ProcessVideoFrameTexture
void ProcessVideoFrameTexture(
Texture texture,
Matrix4x4 textureToProjectedCoordinatesMatrix,
Matrix4x4 projectionMatrix,
Matrix4x4 worldToCameraMatrix
Pass a video frame together with a custom texture-to-screen-coordinate matrix to Manna.
- texture The texture.
- textureToProjectedCoordinatesMatrix The matrix mapping texture coordinates, expressed in the form of 4-dimensional coordinate vectors (x, y, 0, 1) with 0 ≤ x ≤ texture.width, 0 ≤ y ≤ texture.height, to screen coordinates. The matrix
textureToProjectedCoordinatesMatrix^-1 * projectionMatrix
should map from camera space to texture coordinates modulo division by the fourth coordinate of the result, and keeping the first two coordinates; namely, the texture coordinates corresponding to a point(x, y, z)
in camera space should be obtained by runningunscaled = textureToProjectedCoordinatesMatrix^-1 * projectionMatrix * (x, y, z, 1)
,scaled = unscaled / unscaled.w
, and keeping the first two coordinates ofscaled
. Conversely,z * projectionMatrix^-1 * textureToProjectedCoordinatesMatrix * (x, y, 0, 1)
should be the camera space point at depthz
that projects to the point whose coordinates are(x, y)
in texture space. Some standard values of thetextureToProjectedCoordinatesMatrix
are computed by theDefaultTextureToNDCMatrices
static class. - projectionMatrix The coordinate transform from camera space to screen coordinates, respecting the constraints described above.
- worldToCameraMatrix The coordinate transform from camera space to world space.
function OwnDeviceScreenPixelsPerInch
float OwnDeviceScreenPixelsPerInch()
Returns the number of screen pixels per physical inch, to the best of Manna's knowledge of the current device. The implicit guarantee is that dividing Screen.width by this value gives the physical width of the current device screen, in inches, and likewise for Screen.height.
function MillisecondsSinceLastOnCalibrationSuccess
long MillisecondsSinceLastOnCalibrationSuccess()
Returns the number of milliseconds since the last time Manna executed its the OnCalibrationSuccess callback in the current session; is reset after (not right before) that callback; is -1 if OnCalibrationSuccess has not yet been called.
Return: A number of milliseconds
function SetOnBeforeCalibration
void SetOnBeforeCalibration(
Action< Lighthouse, Action< bool >> onBeforeCalibration
Set a callback that is called after a calibration frame has been decided and allows for the developer to do some logic before the calibration and decide if it should continue. If the action is called with true, the calibration will continue, else it will not.
- onBeforeCalibration Callback to invoke with true (calibrate) or false (don't calibrate)
function SetStaticLighthousePoseSelector
void SetStaticLighthousePoseSelector(
Action< LighthousePose[], Action< LighthousePose >> poseSelector
Set a callback that is called when a static lighthouse has been scanned. The callback should invoke the provided Action with a chosen LighthousePose from the array.
- poseSelector Callback when a static lighthouse has been scanned
function LighthouseRectInMetersFromScreenTopLeft
Rect LighthouseRectInMetersFromScreenTopLeft()
Returns a Rect whose .x .y is the visual bottom left of the lighthouse, in Unity coordinates in the frame of reference of the screen's top left corner.
function LighthouseBackgroundRectInMetersFromScreenTopLeft
Rect LighthouseBackgroundRectInMetersFromScreenTopLeft()
Returns a Rect whose .x .y is the visual bottom left of the lighthouse background frame, in Unity coordinates in the frame of reference of the screen's top left corner.
function SetLighthouseVisible
void SetLighthouseVisible(
bool visible
Display/hide the on-screen instant calibration QR code.
- visible
to display the QR code,false
to hide it
function SetLighthousePosition
void SetLighthousePosition(
Vector2 positionInIMGUICoordinates
Sets the position of the center on-screen instant calibration QR code, in pixels from the top left corner of the screen. The position values are truncated such as to prevent the code from being displayed too close to the screen's edge. For example, SetLighthousePosition(Screen.width, Screen.height)
will result in a QR code that is inset from the bottom right of the screen.
- positionInIMGUICoordinates The IMGUI (x, y) coordinates of the center of the QR code before the position is truncated to fit inside the screen
function _Init
override void _Init(
Action onComplete,
Action< string > onFailed
function _Update
override void _Update()
function _StoreLastCalibrationFrameData
void _StoreLastCalibrationFrameData(
Action< Texture2D, Texture2D, long, long, string > onCalibrationFrameDataReady =null
(Internal) Stores debug data from last calibration.
- onCalibrationFrameDataReady Callback that gives calibration video frame, video frame with detected QR corners, timestamp in ms, framestamp, and JSON-encoded coordinates environment
function _StoreVideoFeedDataFrameData
void _StoreVideoFeedDataFrameData(
Action< Texture2D, long, string > onVideoFeedFrameDataReady =null
(Internal) Stores debug data from video feed.
- onVideoFeedFrameDataReady Callback that gives last video frame processed, timestamp in ms, and JSON-encoded coordinates environment
function LeftMultiplyTransformByMatrix
static void LeftMultiplyTransformByMatrix(
Transform transform,
Matrix4x4 matrix
Utility function. See usage notes in the Manna class overview.
- transform A Unity Transform object
- matrix A Unity Matrix4x4 object
function LeftMultiplyTransformByMatrix
static void LeftMultiplyTransformByMatrix(
GameObject gameObject,
Matrix4x4 matrix
Utility function. See usage notes in the Manna class overview.
- gameObject A Unity GameObject
- matrix A Unity Matrix4x4 object
Public Property Documentation
property VibrateOnReportPose
bool VibrateOnReportPose;
Cause the device offering calibration to vibrate when it receives a request from a device trying to calibrate. This vibration will occur before the device trying to calibrate sets its state to Calibrated, but after that other's 'VibrateOnReadPose' haptic feedback, if that flag is set.
property VibrateOnReadPose
bool VibrateOnReadPose;
Cause a device to vibrate whenever it scans a lighthouse (QR code) at sufficiently close range. This vibration will occur before the device succeeds in joining an associated session, and before the 'VibrateOnReportPose' haptic feedback of the device offering calibration, if any, if that flag is set.
property VibrateOnCalibrate
bool VibrateOnCalibrate;
Cause the device to vibrate each time its successfully recalibrates from scanning a lighthouse in its environment; this haptic feedback will occur after the haptic feedback from 'VibrateOnReadPose', if the former flag is set.
property OnLighthouseTracked
Action< Lighthouse, Pose, bool > OnLighthouseTracked;
Called when a lighthouse is being tracked even if its not close enough the boolean passed indicates weather its deemed to be close enough or not.
property OnCalibrationSuccess
Action< Matrix4x4 > OnCalibrationSuccess;
This callback is called at the same frame that the pose of the ARSessionOrigin is adjusted to accommodate for joining a pre-existing session via QR code calibration. See the detailed usage notes above in the Manna class overview.
Return: Unity Matrix4x4 specifying the change of coordinates from old to new world coordinates
property OnCalibrationFailed
Action< CalibrationFailureData > OnCalibrationFailed;
Called if calibration fails.
Return: CalibrationFailureData containing Lighthouse, its pose and a failure reason
property OnSetImageTracker
Action< bool > OnSetImageTracker;
Called when image tracker is changed. Will return true
if Manna is using the ARFoundation image tracker or false
if it's using the native one. Deprecated: this event is no longer triggered/used.
property CalibrationCooldownMs
long CalibrationCooldownMs;